The EU has had digital legislations since long before that lawsuit. Or do you think Epic is also responsible for GDPR?.
So you think that the European commission saw a lawsuit in a different country and decided “We need that” then rushed to write the entirety of DMA in less than 4 months. If you think DMA and Epic lawsuits are related the most possible order of events is that Epic saw what was going to be passed in the EU and decided to suit Apple and Google to get the same in the USA 6 months ago
So your source is just a gut feeling? Back it up 6 months ago
My source is basic logic and reason, what’s yours? 6 months ago
Someone already sent you the link to DMA and you responded with “coincidence”. Your logic has failed you 6 months ago
I don’t need a link to the DMA. I’ve known about it since before it existed. If you think it is coincidence that it was created shortly after the Epic v Apple lawsuit while addressing the exact same problem, your logic has failed you.