For 30 years, no less. asiatic hordes, islamic hordes, gay hordes and back again.
Hate-mongering is big business
Comment on Families distressed after 'highly misleading' video used by anti-Voice campaigners goes viral 1 year ago
Imagine being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money every year to just straight up lie, repeatedly, with zero consequences. The only qualification necessary is to be morally and ethically bankrupt in every way imaginable. These people are the lowest of the low.
For 30 years, no less. asiatic hordes, islamic hordes, gay hordes and back again.
Hate-mongering is big business
Whichever horde is in fashion 1 year ago
You know what is lower. The people voting for this type of politician. 1 year ago
You know, I’d tend to agree with you on that, but recently I’ve come to see that the vast majority of people just take what they hear as fact and don’t really think to much about it.
What that means is that if you have billions of dollars of capital at your disposal and tens or more of billions of dollars of future earnings at stake it’s pretty cost effective to manipulate those people who I mentioned in the first paragraph of my post.
Depressing, but unfortunately true as best I can tell