Yeah… We do… everyday :/
Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago
Y’all preach about how much better the metric system is because it’s base ten and super intuitive, then measure weather temperature on a scale from -20C to 40C 🥴 6 months ago 6 months ago
Fair, but that’s pretty much how a lot of people feel about imperial units, too. 6 months ago
What. 6 months ago
Well, yeah. Anything less than 0 is freezing and anything greater than 0 isn’t.
Ezpz 6 months ago
Fahrenheit makes more sense for human experience… 0 to 100 roughly corresponds to what can be survived for a significant amount of time. Below freezing you can survive without shelter as long as you’re dressed for it, but as you approach zero it gets a lot harder, you really need shelter and heat at that point. Same with above 100… 117 won’t kill you right away, but without some sort of man-made cooling device, you’ll be wishing it would. I say this having lived both extremes, mountains of Colorado in winter, and Phoenix in summer… Honestly, given the choice between 115 and -15, I’d rather have the cold. 6 months ago
Exactly! Weather happens at temperatures lower than water’s freezing point, and much lower than it’s boiling point, so using those two reference points to measure weather temps against isn’t very convenient.