everyone is a shadowy monster with glowing eyes
I used to live next to a big lake in Florida. One night while I was tripping, I walked out to the lake and shined my flashlight out on the water and saw hundreds of pairs of eyes looking at me. Figured it was the start of a bad trip and went back inside. A few days later (not tripping) I went back out with my flashlight and saw the same hundreds of eyes. Fucking gators.
There’s no escape from a bad trip. Try mushrooms instead.
Mushrooms can give you a pretty bad trip as well, but at least it doesn’t last as long as acid. My advice for either one is make sure you have people around that you love and trust - being alone or being with strangers can be bad news.
Nutteman@lemmy.world 6 months ago
Listen up, buster, don’t you go trashing LSD just because you don’t like it. Many people, including myself, have had great experiences that, while different from mushrooms, were just as if not more profound while on LSD
SirDerpy@lemmy.world 6 months ago
Listen up, buster, I don’t recommend hardcore psychedelics the curious beginner. Neither should you. Start with mushrooms. Easier access anyhow.
dfecht@lemmy.world 6 months ago
Regardless of your personal experience, they are both very potent. Personally, the most gnarly, off-the-rails trips I’ve ever had were thanks to shrooms. LSD has been much more consistent for me.
SirDerpy@lemmy.world 6 months ago
If you had relatively clean LSD and mushrooms, both of which you’d sampled, which would you recommend the hypothetical beginner I’d addressed?
If it’s LSD then something’s fucked in your supply or you’re a unique personality that doesn’t realize they’re different from the vast majority of others in some fundamental way.
I can definitely understand how some people would prefer LSD afterwards, with experience. I’d advise that person that long term LSD usage, even microdosing for performance enhancement, will definitely have permanent effects upon their psyche. Maybe good, maybe bad. Future them will decide.
ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world 6 months ago
This is a weirdly aggressive wholesome argument.
ChickenLadyLovesLife@lemmy.world 6 months ago
Mushrooms sometimes gave me insane paranoia although it never lasted for more than a few minutes. Never had a bad trip with LSD - the badness was always how I felt for a few days afterwards.