Thanks for the non-anime
Comment on Please suggest some Gundam-like shows to watch 6 months ago
Probably unexpected suggestions, but these anime totally fit your criteria:
Guilty Crown is hitting a lot of the themes you’ve spoken of, but perhaps not in the ways you’d expect. It’s not particularly a “mecha” anime but as you say, there’s a macguffin that serves as a similar driving force of much of the spectacle and combat sequences.
Kill La Kill comes from the same studio as Gurren Lagann so it’s no surprise that it kinda strikes a lot of the same chords, but here the mechas are replaced with… getting naked? no wait come back i swear-
And, I’d be lacking if I didn’t recommend this even though it’s not anime:
RWBY is an excellent show - give the animation time, it gets better very fast. Season 1 flies by with short episodes so you don’t really have to deal with the lower animation quality for very long. The writing is splendind, the music is outstanding, and it strikes every note you’ve mentioned. I feel deep, deep feelings for the cast of characters, and I have no doubt you will too.
Thanks for the non-anime
You’re welcome! There is an anime spinoff but I can’t vouch for it as I haven’t watched it yet 6 months ago
Man I tried Guilty Crown after completing the legendary Code Geass series. And…it didn’t grab me…in fact I felt…bored. Does it get better? 6 months ago
Honestly I can understand why you were underwhelmed coming off the back of code geass.
I’d say that it definitely gets better, there’s a good bit of ground work that needs to be done in the first few episodes to establish characters and motivations and such. 6 months ago
Thanks for that…I may give it a try again 6 months ago
It has been 9 years since I watched it, but eh… IMO it became a complete trainwreck halfway through. A key character does a full 180°. Plot elements do not get explained properly. But the show is a treat audiovisually. 6 months ago
Oh boy. Does it at least have an ending? 6 months ago
I think it has a definitive ending. Not going to watch it again to confirm though.