A toothpaste that restores your enamel. It’s prescription in the US but you can get Apagard Premio off Amazon.
It’s probably a good idea to get some extra fluoride since the Apagard doesn’t have any. I use purple Listerine, but I kinda hate it, so find something you like.
You should floss, which I’m shitty at, so I use a water pick a few times a week. All kinds of nasty crap comes out, even after brushing, so it’s gotta be better than nothing.
I use a Philips Sonicare toothbrush, no need to get the fancy ones, it’s mostly extra accessories. There are probably less expensive ultrasonic toothbrushes out there that work well… doing it twice a day manually is probably better for you than once a day with a fancy toothbrush.
Hang in there, clinical trials of a drug that regrows teeth are underway and the results are promising.
subignition@fedia.io 6 months ago
Disclaimer: This is not personal medical/dental advice, just my own understanding that I'm sharing.
Floss (or water pick) first, then mouthwash, then brush, then don't rinse.
Floss to open up the gums and knock loose anything stuck in between teeth.
Mouthwash to get rid of the solids and get a bit of fluoride in between teeth.
Brushing after mouthwash, because toothpaste typically has a much higher concentration of fluroide than mouthwash does.
And avoid rinsing after brushing so you don't wash away the residual fluoride from the toothpaste.