Comment on Trump Bitcoin Conference fundraiser tickets top out at $844,600 for Nashville soiree 7 months ago-
algo - agree on the importance of general-ish purpose silicon to do the basking, but CPU algos are still vunerable to massivemy parallel, (potentially) free, undetected hash. as much as 51% attacks seem to draw a collective “meh” from the crowds, I bothers me.
heavy chain - not sure about the final tx product being less dense than a similar bitcoin tx. regardless, for the economic activity on the monero chain and, please correct me… an an increase of transaction frequency of average sized transactions would cause, at least, a linear increase in chain storage, correct? if so, I think my node centralization issue still applies.
inflation - its a real issue. the ability to audit the chain is pretty important to build trust. thats one of the reasons bitcoin has resisted private transactions, sending those to other layers. good, bad? who knows, but I get nervous around chains who’s very base layer is singularly opaque to an inflation bug and many others will outright reject it. not sure how devs fix this, considering monero’s (vital) core mission.
monero is a fantastic bit of dev implementation and community interaction and one of the most important chains out there, I am just suggesting that its own (unavoidable?) issues could some back and bite… hard. 7 months ago
You bring up some good points that I am unable to refute because I do not have the knowledge to do so, and I might or might not be somewhat high, LOL. Please, I beg you, take your previous reply and paste it into the ! Community where very knowledgeable people could help answer your questions because they are very good questions and you deserve a better answer than I can give. 7 months ago
therefore I hope you do or do not have a super relaxing and restorative day.
will put something together and post. thank you for the invitation :-)