If they took 0.5 %,
Took from what? Is this about the revenue share again? Stop listening to that idiot Timmy.
We know that many others take the same %% so I could say even if they took 50% they wouldn’t deliver a product as good as Steam.
Comment on Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees
Grimy@lemmy.world 7 months agoThe product stays the same if we bring down their revenue to 1 billion, they aren’t close to bankruptcy. If they took 0.5 %, Gaben would still be able to afford a yatch or two, just not 6.
Having a competitors product on your platform doesn’t have anything to do with collusion. They are rivals but they don’t actually compete or strive to give their customers any kind of competitive prices.
And yes, you are defending a billionaire.
If they took 0.5 %,
Took from what? Is this about the revenue share again? Stop listening to that idiot Timmy.
We know that many others take the same %% so I could say even if they took 50% they wouldn’t deliver a product as good as Steam.
We know that many others take the same %% so I could say even if they took 50% they wouldn’t deliver a product as good as Steam.
Epics 12% and they operate with how many more employees?
Epics are posers at this point, or one could say a fake platform. Remove Fortnite from them and it will shut down immediately, especially at 12%.
Epic tried to pull an Amazon.
Get VC money and subsidize and undercut competition using anticompetitive practices to gain market share before the rug pull where they jack up their margins to the industry standard.
The difference is Amazon actually made a good software experience in the beginning few years and Epic spent literal years with very few feature updates and whining about “unfair market practices” when they were the only ones actually engaging in anti-consumer passes like paying off developers to be Epic-exclusive and buying developers and removing their games from steam.
You realize the others only charge that much since steam set the standard… yeah? All of them can charge less so what’s your point here? You clearly lied in your original comment, and are now making up points to defend it.
To be clear, I’m not listening to anyone. I think the government should step in and force a maximum of 5% on all stores, or something similar.
The fact that they all take the same percentage is exactly the reason why I’m saying there’s collusion going on.
Government of which country or countries? You wouldn’t think they would stay in the US if what you said will happen, would you?
Their propaganda machine works so well, you’re pricing it by bringing up all the usual talking points.
“They offer a good product so they deserve it.”
“They would leave if they were forced to reduce their profits.”
You know what countries can do? Get together and impose the same kind of rules to all companies no matter where they’re established. They can also decide to force companies to pay taxes based on where the revenue came from under the threat that they won’t be able to do business in their territory anymore.
People around you are struggling and you’re defending the 1%, wake the fuck up.
I’m sure you came up with that 5% number after careful research and didn’t just pull some low round number out of your ass.
I did say something similar, it’s clearly just to give an idea.
I’m basing it on the fact that it would still be insanely profitable with such a percentage, personally I would rather see it much lower.
An utterly meaningless challenge just to defend daddy Gaben. Why don’t you talk about my actual points instead of spitting out useless dribble. Stop defending billionaires.
With a 30% cut they make enough surplus that the owner is a billionaire that can afford 6 yacht, there’s no reason why you or anyone should defend Valve’s decision to be so profitable instead of making games cheaper and that applies to any company where the owner is rich.
Yachts. This can’t be more silly. And what would you say if he didn’t own those yachts? “Look at the bank account of that guy who owns almost a whole gaming platform because others are not qualified enough to compete with his company”?
That’s exactly what people should say, billionaires shouldn’t exist, it’s that simple. 80% of US citizens live paycheck to paycheck, people have a hard time affording to pay for basic needs, meanwhile you’ve got companies that take a big enough cut on everything they sell that their owner can afford to spend in a day more than the average person will make in their whole life without having to even think about the impact that will have on their ability to pay their bills.
The wealth they accumulate comes directly from our pockets, stop defending them, they exist because we pay more for things than they’re truly worth.
If steam took a smaller cut game prices wouldn’t budge a single goddamn cent and you know it
It’s not just about Steam taking a smaller cut, the whole distribution chain makes it so the people developing the product are the poorest ones in the development to consumer process.
If publishers and distributors took a smaller cut and prices stayed the same instead of going down, it would mean that developers would get more money for their work, developers are people like you and me.
glimse@lemmy.world 7 months ago
So? I don’t care if they’re forced to lower his salary. You said nothing differentiates Steam enough and I’m saying it does so by being good.
The majority of customers on all storefronts are fine with the pricing as-is. Steam’s competitive advantage comes from being the best storefront with an amazing library and . That’s why it’s the top dog
I’m clearly not. I’m defending the service itself
SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.world 7 months ago
Pricing has biting to do with Steam, that’s publisher/developer controlled. And they have a quite a lot of stink to say about the cut they take for nothing. They need to curate and moderate all their own store page, Steam does what and takes 30%?
It’s no wonder some take epics deals, the cut they take is 12%, that’s significant. And if epic can operate by taking that much with their employee count, clearly valve could be doing a far better job of what they do, but they do what again…?