Comment on YSK there is a massive Google Doc of U.S. gynecologists that will tie your tubes without asking about your kids, marital status or age.
That doctor would be paid by the NHS, not by you.
What’s NHS? I don’t have insurance.
NHS = National Health Service
It’s what we have in the UK, and essentially means that all your health care is free.
Vasectomy = free. Having a baby in hospital = free. CAT scan = free. Insulin = free.
Admittedly, it’s paid for in taxes, but at a small fraction of the cost of the American way of doing things.
Yeah I don’t have that. 7 months ago
What’s NHS? I don’t have insurance. 7 months ago
NHS = National Health Service
It’s what we have in the UK, and essentially means that all your health care is free.
Vasectomy = free. Having a baby in hospital = free. CAT scan = free. Insulin = free.
Admittedly, it’s paid for in taxes, but at a small fraction of the cost of the American way of doing things. 7 months ago
Yeah I don’t have that.