People believe that based on it being legally impossible for such companies to exist in Russia without working with FSB, it’s not a secret.
Comment on Kaspersky is shutting down its business in the United States 7 months ago
the consequences of xenophobia. i worked for kaspersky usa from 2011 to 2014 and they were great. it shows how much conspiracy theories take root when people believe eugene has ties with the russian government based on his mandatory service back when it was still the ussr. 7 months ago 7 months ago
Xenophobia is bad when the fear is unfounded
The fear isn’t unfounded with a known hostile country like Russia, it’s not like after the Cold war they went “ah well now we’re besties”
Maybe they weren’t having Kas do anything, or maybe they were.
This is the same country known for jailing peoples families when they don’t cooperate, this is the same country that launched an unprovoked war, this is the same country that has been trying to actively take down the US via political games etc (I could go on forever) 7 months ago
The conspiracy theory that Russia is the belligerent in a war against Europe and is actively engaged in cyber espionage? 7 months ago
Things are a bit different than im 2014… 7 months ago
Yeah. Now houses cost as much as a…well, there’s no way to finish that sentance anymore. People don’t buy houses, governments do. And they raise the rent when they control the whole city. 7 months ago
Username checks out 7 months ago
If only we could be more like successful super power Russia 7 months ago
You’re confusing VC with governments. I doubt this is the first time 🤣 7 months ago
I bought a house, Greg. Can you milk me?