Comment on Prusa slicer 2.8 UI changes ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

On Windows: I hate it too.

Takes up more space without any benefit. this version looks “modern” but from a usability standpoint, it is worse.

Hope Prusa goes in and makes the toolbar (Menu, Platter, Print Settings, filament, Printers, physical printer) small/less height and gives the buttons something to make them look like a button. Right now it is just text on a grey background. Big steps in the wrong direction in my opinion as it stands but easy to fix.

The addition of the physical printer page/tab is nice. Now I can view the Duet web interface directly in prusaslicer. While the printer are 99% upload and forget from time to time I need to view the control panel to check or adjust a thing or two.
