Comment on Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer
more posturing and rhetoric. no evidence that your purchases have ever helped the environment at all.
Not at all a hard search:…/countries-urged-curb-factory-farmin….
The issue isn’t a lack of evidence. The issue is your denial of anything that questions your behavior. The problem you are facing is looking at yourself, not at being unable to use a search engine.
so when did agriculture emissions drop?
You already have been presented the explanation of this. It is up to you to u derstand it.
to be clear, your method has been tried and it has failed. 7 months ago
Not at all a hard search:…/countries-urged-curb-factory-farmin….
The issue isn’t a lack of evidence. The issue is your denial of anything that questions your behavior. The problem you are facing is looking at yourself, not at being unable to use a search engine. 7 months ago
so when did agriculture emissions drop? 7 months ago
You already have been presented the explanation of this. It is up to you to u derstand it. 7 months ago
to be clear, your method has been tried and it has failed.