you are right, you can pay anyone to do any terrible thing that brings you pleasure, and you have no moral responsibility for this”
another strawman
you are right, you can pay anyone to do any terrible thing that brings you pleasure, and you have no moral responsibility for this”
another strawman 7 months ago
It’s I possible to have a conversation with someone who constantly pretends like they didn’t say what they did. I’ve given you all the information you need to take your next steps, now it’s on you. 7 months ago
real pot and kettle situation you’ve made here 7 months ago
I absolutely get that you don’t want to be thinking these things next time you are trying to enjoy your cheap cheeseburger and ice cream, or whatever else your personal guilty pleasure is. I am well aware that I have, at least temporarily, greatly tarnished your ability to selfishly enjoy these things. I hope this conversation will help you, or anyone reading this, be a bit more loving. You have not at all succeeded in convincing me that I should be more selfish, more hateful, or less compassionate. I highly doubt that your best version of yourself would really want what you are so sadly trying to desperately defend. 7 months ago
this is just a series of personal attacks and self-aggrandizing statements. 7 months ago
i have not tried to do that 7 months ago
look, normally i think that it’s shitty to dig through a user’s history and drag it into the current discussion, but i do encourage you to sort my comments by old.
i have been objecting to your feckless method of protecting teh environment for years. this account alone is almost solely focused on pushing people to find effective methods.
you literally have no idea who you are talking to or what you are talking about. 7 months ago
Someone who advocates for taking care of the planet, and treating others compationately disagrees with you. You try to defend massive corporations that are well known for destroying the planet and abusing animals in ways so horrific that simply being shown what they are doing took you to a place not far from suicidal ideas. If that is really what you think you should be defending deep down, there is nothing I can tell you to change your mind. Just consider if you would rather be on the side defending compassion or on the side fighting against it. 7 months ago
this is all posturing and rhetoric. you have not shown that being vegan reduces industry emissions. 7 months ago
i never did that.