It still isn’t quite clicking for you. An individual person starting or stopping to give money to an entire industry does not change the industry from being profitable or not. I never said it did. It is you who has consistently claimed that it should, despite a lack of evidence. It is a very solipsistic view to think that one person’s purchases change an entire industry from being profitable or not. I don’t really know how to get you to internalize the logic behind this, you really just need to try hard to work it out for yourself if this is really the point that you are struggling with.
You were repeatedly wrongly making the claim that an individual’s decision to quit giving money to the factory farming industry should be what changes them from profitable to not. It does seem like you have realized the absurdity of this and are now backing off, but this doesn’t change your prior claims. It is nice to see you changing your mind about this.
You were repeatedly wrongly making the claim that an individual’s decision to quit giving money to the factory farming industry should be what changes them from profitable to not. I 7 months ago
It still isn’t quite clicking for you. An individual person starting or stopping to give money to an entire industry does not change the industry from being profitable or not. I never said it did. It is you who has consistently claimed that it should, despite a lack of evidence. It is a very solipsistic view to think that one person’s purchases change an entire industry from being profitable or not. I don’t really know how to get you to internalize the logic behind this, you really just need to try hard to work it out for yourself if this is really the point that you are struggling with. 7 months ago
talk about a straw man. 7 months ago
No, this is precisely the claim you made. Go ahead and go back and read it. 7 months ago
the only claim i’ve made is that your claim can’t be evidenced. 7 months ago
do you know how i know that you don’t know what solipsism is? 7 months ago
You were repeatedly wrongly making the claim that an individual’s decision to quit giving money to the factory farming industry should be what changes them from profitable to not. It does seem like you have realized the absurdity of this and are now backing off, but this doesn’t change your prior claims. It is nice to see you changing your mind about this. 7 months ago
i never said that.