Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months agoWhat if you changed that statement to all conservatives instead of all Americans? Because not all conservatives support Trump or voted for him in 2016. But he is now representative of them.
Like. Hamas wouldn’t exist without the actions of Israel. And that is exactly why so many Palestinians have thrown their support behind Hamas. But that doesn’t mean Palestinians, Hamas, or even conservative Americans are a monolith.
The point is rather that the group is being labeled in such a way to discredit efforts to give Palestinians the human rights everyone should have. It’s the same thing that happened with the Black Community in the US and the black Panthers. This has been a thing for centuries with just about every grass roots or guerilla militia in existence. At some point if you buck the ruling classes power, you become a target and the propaganda follows. 7 months ago
I don’t know why you replied to me.
I agree with you is impossible to say ALL people from a country is something based on who wins a election. Sometimes the winning candidate doesn’t have the majority if you count the opposition + people who do not vote.
My original comment is sarcastic, it seems that I need to add /s to be clear.