Try and find out the standard practices of the factory farm where the meat from your local area comes from. They don’t make it easy to find out, and if you do find out, it is currently much worse than what was happening 15 years ago. There is a good reason for this, too. In most regards, the rule is that they can’t be too much worse than the average behavior. This is causing a horrific drift to worse and worse practices.
There is almost no push back on this because the average person is so reluctant to admit that they may be supporting something so vile that they stand behind whatever it is these farms do without having any actual idea of what’s going on. Nobody is checking in on these places and coming out saying alls good other than the people making a ton of money off them.
If you don’t know for sure that you get animal products from good places, then it is almost guaranteed that you don’t. If you don’t care to even find out, then you are the normal consumer, and you have accepted that your pleasure matters more than the treatment of the animals in them. You are not the minority. You are the merciless masses with no morality in this regard. 7 months ago
This is what most people are paying to have happen every day. 7 months ago
no, they’re not. this YouTube video does not show standard practices even in mid 2010s in Australia where it was filmed 7 months ago
Try and find out the standard practices of the factory farm where the meat from your local area comes from. They don’t make it easy to find out, and if you do find out, it is currently much worse than what was happening 15 years ago. There is a good reason for this, too. In most regards, the rule is that they can’t be too much worse than the average behavior. This is causing a horrific drift to worse and worse practices.
There is almost no push back on this because the average person is so reluctant to admit that they may be supporting something so vile that they stand behind whatever it is these farms do without having any actual idea of what’s going on. Nobody is checking in on these places and coming out saying alls good other than the people making a ton of money off them.
If you don’t know for sure that you get animal products from good places, then it is almost guaranteed that you don’t. If you don’t care to even find out, then you are the normal consumer, and you have accepted that your pleasure matters more than the treatment of the animals in them. You are not the minority. You are the merciless masses with no morality in this regard. 7 months ago
you have no idea what my morality is 7 months ago
I don’t believe this, but it’s clear you do. yet you don’t seem to want to accept it. I offer a solution: mind your own business.