Most places don’t have skyhigh col.
Comment on [REPOST] A Manager Has To Dismiss Me? OK, I'll Just Get Overtime For Doing Nothing Then 1 year agoCost of living where I am is around $38-40 so I’m all out of whack with this, sorry. But on most contracts our first 2hrs of OT would be 1.5x, whereas you’re somehwere around 1.85x? So that’s neat. 1 year ago 1 year ago
My midlife crisis just got a little worse.
There are places where it would literally cost me 80% less to live. I’m stuck for work reasons but damn. 1 year ago
But most people don’t live in most places. 1 year ago
Then thats self inflicted. 10 months ago
Op worked 2.5 extra hours. That’s $8/hr * 1.5 overtime * 2.5 extra hours. 1 year ago
Where city I live has a higher col then the surrounding rural areas. Our living wage is $15.34 and poverty wage is $6.35 I don’t have a report for the surrounding areas but my gut says somewhere around $10/$5.
In the US you have to get paid 1.5x for hours over 40. $30/2.5/1.5 = $8. And thats assuming no paycheck deductions such as tax, healthcare, alimony, etc