The kind of people that can’t use an always online connected printer. But seriously, for some professions and shift to work from home during covid kind of made printers in a home more common again.
Comment on HP forced to ditch popular printer range following user backlash 7 months ago
Who tf needs a printer these days? I print maybe 5 pages a year and the library does it for a quarter. 7 months ago 7 months ago
I scan nearly all the crap that comes in through my (physical) mailbox and throw it away. My trusty Brother multi laser thingy sends it to me per e-mail and I can sort it later, when the PC is on. Once a month or so, I need to print some pages and it does that, too. Awesome thing, wouldn’t want to miss it. 7 months ago
Hi. It’s me. I still burn CDs and print onto them direct as part of a niche art hobby. Unfortunately that means owning an Epson inkjet printer.