Comment on Loyalty 7 months ago
Some board room somewhere
Bossman "Alright team, what should we change to ensure our company is not seen as racist according to white people on twitter?
Person 1 “Increase represtation of different races and cultures across our brands?” ejector seat activated
Person 2 “Hire someone qualified to have this conversion?” ejector seat activated
Person 3 "Get rid of Aunt Jemima so people don’t accosiate our brand with black people anymore?
Bossman “brilliant! Someone get me a raise for coming up with that.” 7 months ago
It’s not about associating the brand with black people. Aunt Jemima was a mammy, straight out of a ministrel show. She was a racist stereotype of the loving and attentive house slave 7 months ago
They could have come up with a new character…instead they got rid of it all together. Just say its Jemima’s niece who carries on the recipe. 7 months ago
Bro my syrup doesn’t need lore. 7 months ago
Why not? my cereal does. 7 months ago
Fuck that shit, I’m all about the Breakfast Canon 7 months ago
No, she was an accurate depiction of actual Black Southern grandmas, both pre and post slavery. The whole “this represents slavery” thing was bullshit cooked up by white people. My 3rd grade teacher looked EXACTLY like Aunt Jemima and she made some bomb-ass cookies.