Comment on EXCLUSIVE: Cal State"Gender" Academic Inspired Pedophilic Fantasy On Castrating, Enslaving Young Boys - Reduxx ⁨6⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Here’s my assumption of this article: A professor engages in deviant and illegal behaviors, participating in graphic contents that exploit children sexual using transgederism is a Catalyst.

If you could just tell me what the main point is about this article I’d appreciate it. Genuinely I would. Because I’m not sure what the exact point is supposed to be after reading it.


Going off of my assumption as I stated, I think it’s important NO MATTER WHAT THE TOPIC IS OK GUYS ? That when it ultimately comes to children there needs to be safeguards. I don’t care what the topics are. It could be sex, violence, guns, and the trans topic.

anything that could be used to manipulate a growing mind, needs to be handled with zero bias and influence.

do not influence children instead, teach them provide them BOTH sides of an argument no matter what. Let them come to their own conclusions. That is how shit should be anyway.

The issue in my opinion is people personalize things. Making it about them and how their own personal experiences stand as ultimate fact.

That is not genuine and it is harmful to others
