Comment on How do y'all feel about using summons in Soulslikes? [Lies of P endgame spoilers] 7 months ago
If a summon was available, I’d use it. My logic is that the designers gave me access to these tools, why not?
Having said that, the Nameless Puppet is the only fight where you don’t get the summon - so that’s the one time the designers expect you to “git gud”.
Great fight, the hardest I’ve ever seen in a Souls-like, but technically fair. Just gotta learn those parry timings, yo. 7 months ago
I’ll be honest, I was a little pissed they didn’t make summons available for Nameless Puppet, but I got it in the end after 2 more hours of trying yesterday. Phase 1 was super easy by the time I finished the fight, phase 2 was a super close call. Ended up winning with no heals left and a couple thermites for the remaining health lol
Harder than Isshin or Owl Father? I remember struggling for several days trying to kill Isshin but got it in the end. Sometimes it felt like Nameless Puppet was easier but also harder at the same time 7 months ago
Nameless Puppet was definitely harder than Isshin, in my opinion.
Isshin was tough but very fairly designed. Part of NP’s moveset in Phase 2 is a bit gimmicky and hard to dodge/block, which is a bit of a pain.
I think Isshin is easier only in that it’s a better designed fight that rewards you more for learning his moves and tells.