The US Dollar is not only backed by oil, but also American banking imperialism.
Keep your story straight next time.
from the fact that there’s cocaine on literally every single dollar bill.
Prove it.
The US Dollar is not only backed by oil, but also American banking imperialism.
Keep your story straight next time.
from the fact that there’s cocaine on literally every single dollar bill.
Prove it. 6 months ago
92%, I may have used the word literally figuratively, but so does every other American…
That’s the proof man, it’s literally on the bills. We can literally see it
Also, what do you mean keep my story straight next time? It’s not controversial at all that the US gets involved in military conflicts for oil or financial control (neorealism, neoliberalism). Oil is just one of the many incentives which makes the USD arguably dirty 6 months ago
92% == 100% 6 months ago
Are you really going to be that pedantic? to ignore my point that a lot of drug use is committed by the us Dollar by that 8%? You are a child 6 months ago
Damn crypto is so freaken awful. Not a single legit use for it that real money can’t do better. No surprise that the people who defend it have to lie about facts and use name calling instead of arguments.
Oh did I mention 92% =/= 100%? I don’t think I did. 6 months ago
surely this man could not possibly be presented an image of a zombie that he WOULDN’T be afriad of, could he?