07 Commander 🫡 I’ll be casually playing Elite Dangerous till the servers go offline. 🥹
My first experience was Elite on N.E.S.
Comment on Here's why modern gaming suuuuucks.
Cobrachicken@lemmy.world 7 months ago
I remember reading about Elite in a (paper) magazine, and I WANTED IT. Counted my pocket money. Drove my bike to a mainly photo related retailer (only one reachable for me, they also did PC games as a side job), and there it was, box art in the window! Went in, told em I wanted that, and - big disappointment - they had to order it. THEY HAD A DISPLAY OF THE BOX ART, BUT NO COPY OF THE REAL THING! I had to pay upfront, cash, and then had to ride the bike there, again, two times, within a fornight, cos there was no notification of arrival then. The joy, tension, reading through the manual, while it was installing… unbeatable. Spent most of my afternoons in game, doing my “homework”.
07 Commander 🫡 I’ll be casually playing Elite Dangerous till the servers go offline. 🥹
My first experience was Elite on N.E.S.
Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 7 months ago
I need more context. Why did they not have it?
Cobrachicken@lemmy.world 7 months ago
It was a small shop, they only had a corner with “electronic” things, some computer stuff. They probably only odered a copy or two, not believing it would sell. But it did. Remember, this must have been the 1980ies, computers were somewhat rare and exotic back then. I think I was one of two in my class who owned one.