8 months ago
Just run your shower with cold water. Open a window on the otherwise of the house and get a fan to blow air from the bathroom to the open window.
As the water turns from liquid to gas it absorbs heat. As long as it doesn’t get too humid it should feel cool. 8 months ago
Dehumidifier. 8 months ago
little realized fact that dehumidifiers produce heat 8 months ago
:O 8 months ago
If you say so. The air just feels a lot more cool and crisp in my apartment when I have my dehumidifier on. Of course I live in a swamp so without it if feels like I swimming through stank ass when I walk somewhere.
I’m not doubting the science behind your statement. I just prefer feeling like I’m not being sous vide, so I’ll stick to a dry heat in my apartment. 8 months ago
A dehumidifier would return heat to the room. Best you can do with swamp cooling is draw the humid air out.