Three fucking years, Joe being senile was a “conspiracy theory” and then they trot captain Alzheimer’s out
Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 7 months agoI mean did you…
watch the…
thing, you know the thing, that does the stuff?
Please note, I’m not suggesting to not vote Democrat. Also, the sleepy Joe stuff back then was different than it was here during this debate? 7 months ago 7 months ago
Tbf it really did seem a conspiracy theory back when it started. He used to be fairly energetic, despite being old. But, time passes.
The problem now is that unlike conservatives, liberals don’t take as kindly to being lied to, and to say that he’s both too old to speak and also not too old to be President… it just doesn’t sit right. 7 months ago
Particularly when the same wing of the party was utterly vicious about Sanders’ age when he was 75 back in 2016. 7 months ago
Case by case basis. Sanders, Trump, etc, not too old yet, Biden too old despite being numerically the same. 7 months ago
Yes, not the whole thing, but I watched enough and I’m not even American.
This is also relevant and worth considering:…/biden-quips-almost-fell-asleep-onst…
Also, can you type normally, please? I’m not sure what your formatting is trying to convey but it feels condescending for no good reason. 7 months ago
I think the part where he finally beat medicare is the best example. 7 months ago
That’s a funny bit of fumbling. Reminds me of Bush’s “You can’t get fooled again” and the other contender’s own brand of hilarious fumbling and ramblings. 7 months ago
The difference is that Biden has markedly declined from previous performances. He spent most of that night stumbling, mumbling, and struggling to speak clearly, none of which is his stutter, because a stutter is a very specific speech impediment. He was downright difficult to understand on average, and flat out unintelligible at worst. Even when he got riled up, like with the losers and suckers remark, it sounded like he was having trouble forming word sounds accurately, like he has dysarthria. Even in carefully curated campaign material, like asking for donations, he sounds out of breath and like he’s struggling to speak clearly.