Comment on World's largest sodium-ion battery goes into operation - Energy Storage

<- View Parent ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Sigh, I have heard the exonomics argument for decades, and it basicially boils down to “we should have started 10 years ago”, well yeah, that would have been the ideal, but today is the second best day to do it.

Untill now, no one in this thread has addresses the baseload problem.

Ok, flywheels, that is an interesting concept, depwnsing on the connection to the motor/generator and how much energy is lost in the transmission it could absolutely work.

I also wonder how scalable it would be…

You say that I am wrong, fine I can take critism, but when I just keep seeing people saying “NO” to any resonable way to remove our dependence on fossils with in a resonable timeline.

Tell me when would renewables be able to completely take over from fossil power generation, I mean in the long run (20+ years without any fossil fueld plants or nuclear plants), and run reliably even during the dark and cold winters in say northern scandinavia?

Give me a resonable idea on that.
