It is unfortunate that the building companies make more money by not building, than by building.
We need a progressive land/council tax. Hording land should cost you.
My favourite suggestion should be that tax levels are based upon a heat map of urban density, but also linked to area owned. It came out of the US because they have problems with land hording in urban area, spaces that are just a car park to act as a holding for land.
It would mean that ownership of inner city, undeveloped land and also owning large estates is penalised. 8 months ago
lol, they have an army, just send it in and nationalize the shit out of them. the government has as much control as it wants to have. 8 months ago
Tax the crap out of them until they build is usually easier. 8 months ago
neither of those are gonna happen, so it doesnt matter 8 months ago
I’m all for nationalising infrastructure, including houses, but you would still have to compensate shareholders unfortunately. If we didn’t (which is an option) the markets would react very badly and make Liz Truss seem like a genius. 8 months ago
only if you let them. why does the government have to allow capital flight in the first place? 8 months ago
Because we are not a dictatorship and have no desire to be one.