Comment on Casual reminder 7 months agoDid you not read the second half of my comment? He ended Title 42 a year and a half after taking office. Federal judges stopped it for a year.
You wrote three and a half years.
You fabricate lies in your comments often. I will always call out misinformation.
Cite your sources or stop with the lies. 7 months ago
It doesn’t matter if his excuse was some court he can just ignore and face no consequences asked him to keep it in place or if did it on a whim, he had the power to change it, he didn’t use it. It was in place for like 3 and a half years.
You’re not calling out misinformation, you’re quibbling. 7 months ago
You inflated his inaction on Title 42 by two years. Quibbling my ass. I’m calling you a liar. This is not the first time I’ve called you out on false information.
Something tells me it won’t be the last. 7 months ago
He took an action that took 3 years to complete instead of ending it on day one and telling the courts to fuck off.
That’s keeping it in place for 3 years.
This isn’t misinformation, this is you being intentionally dense. 7 months ago
POTUS is the head of the Executive Branch. He has no control over the Legislative Branch other than appointing judges in the event of vacancy.
Telling them to “fuck off” is meaningless nonsense.
Also, it still wasn’t three years. From inauguration in January of 2021 to May of 2023. You seem to really want to be right. You’d probably have more success if you cited accurate information.