Since it says create an account, maybe they also need to create a password?
Comment on "Free Access! Just give us your email." 8 months ago
You have the button right there for the throwaway. 8 months ago 8 months ago
That little purple button in the email field is a built in tool in FireFox for a throwaway email. They give you something like 2-3 free throwaway email addresses. 8 months ago
I know, thats firefox relay. But what i’m saying is that maybe when you give email you have to nake a password and then maybe it also ask to verify email with an OTP… We don’t know if that is the case instead of a single click 8 months ago
The level of laziness is only surpassed by whoever it was that used the bathroom this morning, finished the roll of TP and then left a new roll on top of the tank instead of putting it on the roller. 😬