8 months ago
kbin had collections. Im on mbin now and I was not able to find it but im not sure if that is just because I may not be able to find the config. Trust cafe has a neat concept which I would love to see in the fediverse. Basically all the things you can block or subscribe also has a trust which is basically a weight on how much you favor it. By default they are 50 but you can raise or lower them. So you could drop news sources to 25 and hobby ones to 75 lets say and now the hobbies will be given greater weight in your feed. You can do it with users to so if you have someone who posts good stuff you can weight them higher. On the other side if someones stuff tends to be crap but you don't want to outright block them you can just dial them down to 5 or something 8 months ago
Is kbin gone? 8 months ago
They pretty much are, people moved to mbin: 8 months ago
Thnx! 8 months ago
no idea but I have not been able to get the site for awhile. earnest briefly came back and said he was handing some stuff off and it worked for a day or so and then its been pretty much offline since then. long enough im not even sure how long its been now. unfortunately I had trouble transfering over the config. im going to have to subscirbe and block from zero I think.