A good score can definitely change a game to me, but yeah if you’re going to claim “staff” from legendary games I’d assume more than one guy, and people who had a hand in design.
I know and like lots of games scored by Sakuraba, and not that I don’t like his music but… I don’t know, it tends to sound very same-y and almost random at times. Especially in that 00’s era. There was a corny melody pattern he put in all of his big themes at the time, Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, Golden Sun all had it somewhere, and I couldn’t hear anything else when it happened.
That said, when it works, it works and it’s pretty unique. True Mirror and Valedictory Elegy from Baten Kaitos are very good, and a perfect fit for their games.
Ashtear@lemm.ee 8 months ago
Oof, I can’t agree with this at all. Departure is one of my favorite tracks from the whole era, and the ending song was also excellent. I felt the soundtrack did a lot of heavy lifting to carry the game’s somber tone.
Notable though that Miyoko Kobayashi was on “Departure,” not Hikichi. Hikichi only had a few tracks on the game.
DarkThoughts@fedia.io 8 months ago
I did not meant they were bad, most songs just never stood out for me and I think I only had maybe a couple stuck in my head for a while. There's other games that have soundtracks that play within my head even decades later and that's not something Terranigma achieved, unfortunately. Yes, the songs served its purpose to set the mood but ultimately I think the soundtrack was nothing groundbreaking and certainly not on par with the rest of the game's excellence.