Yeah, but he’s right about that part. Hybrid cars are just BEVs with more steps that can’t be recharged at home. Maybe useful for planes and other specific applications. Dumb for cars.
You do not have to hand it to Elon Musk. If home charging is the big benefit of BEVs, then why do “fast” charging stations have to get built everywhere? Tesla et al are enshittifying driving!
Think about it. What are you supposed to do while you’re stuck charging for however long it takes? Scroll ads? Go spend money at a nearby business, hoping that you can get in and out before you get dinged for occupying the charging station for too long? Apparently, some charging stations even take reservations like Dorsia. No thanks! 8 months ago
Yeah, but he’s right about that part. Hybrid cars are just BEVs with more steps that can’t be recharged at home. Maybe useful for planes and other specific applications. Dumb for cars. 8 months ago
You do not have to hand it to Elon Musk. If home charging is the big benefit of BEVs, then why do “fast” charging stations have to get built everywhere? Tesla et al are enshittifying driving! 8 months ago
What 8 months ago
Think about it. What are you supposed to do while you’re stuck charging for however long it takes? Scroll ads? Go spend money at a nearby business, hoping that you can get in and out before you get dinged for occupying the charging station for too long? Apparently, some charging stations even take reservations like Dorsia. No thanks!