- Comment on Carbon capture more costly than switching to renewables, researchers find 2 weeks ago:
Yes exactly. I realize I was a bit vague with the “”-signs. It’s shit
- Comment on Carbon capture more costly than switching to renewables, researchers find 2 weeks ago:
It’s being used to make fossil fuel plants “net zero”
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 3 weeks ago:
För Sverige i tiden din nedrans niding
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 4 weeks ago:
Swedish is fine
- Comment on Microsoft CEO's pay rises 63% to $79m, despite devastating year for layoffs: 2550 jobs lost in 2024 4 months ago:
Great reply. I’m not into escalation. Only read the “taxes is theft”
- Comment on Microsoft CEO's pay rises 63% to $79m, despite devastating year for layoffs: 2550 jobs lost in 2024 4 months ago:
Taxes aren’t because they come from societal structure i.e agreement that we’re better off pooling resources
- Comment on Amazon will “ramp up” Prime Video ads in 2025 5 months ago:
Duck amazon
- Comment on This man is a parody of himself 5 months ago:
Tyson man bad
- Comment on Ford Chairman & CEO Jim Farley Wakes After Decade-long Nap, Shocked By China's EVs - CleanTechnica 5 months ago:
Sure. I don’t know if I agree with the increase in speed, the fuel consumption goes up with like 1 L/10km
- Comment on Ford Chairman & CEO Jim Farley Wakes After Decade-long Nap, Shocked By China's EVs - CleanTechnica 5 months ago:
In Sweden they may drive 90 on highway-equvialent roads
- Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 6 months ago:
Start 2x30 second ads During video here’s an ad för my sponsor “braid narrow legends” Buy my merch on www.mymerch.dog Outro youtube ads
- Comment on Samsung delivers 600-mile solid-state EV battery as it teases 9-minute charging and 20-year lifespan tech 7 months ago:
- Comment on Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer 7 months ago:
I liked the analogy but I do think it would be clearer to say something like joules = money in bank account and Watt = spending per second
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Didn’t trump say he’d support israel completely?
- Comment on Elon Musk Openly Advocates for Overthrowing the Government of Bolivia, The Country with the Largest Lithium Reserves in the World 8 months ago:
Because it’s not a problem 👍
- Comment on Elon Musk Openly Advocates for Overthrowing the Government of Bolivia, The Country with the Largest Lithium Reserves in the World 8 months ago:
I recognize you don’t own nor drive BEV
- Comment on Elon Musk Openly Advocates for Overthrowing the Government of Bolivia, The Country with the Largest Lithium Reserves in the World 8 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Shut up heretic
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Firefox had tab groups in their beta 10 years ago, idk why they removed it. Was great!
- Comment on Reddit Signs AI Content Licensing Deal Ahead of IPO 1 year ago:
Is this dead Internet theory?
- Comment on Apple Is Lobbying Against Right to Repair Six Months After Supporting Right to Repair 1 year ago:
That doesn’t negate anything
- Comment on That's a low blow 1 year ago:
- Comment on Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March 1 year ago:
I didn’t, the premise that anyone can copy the blockchain and gain access to the assets is flawed. You’ll have to look up the Immutable X implementation, it was too long since I read about it, if you’re curious. Like I don’t think there will ever be a digital version of ownership that isn’t “a url” since, well it’s digital. The url and wallet is connected to the thing blabla
But you don’t own your things. Steam even restricted my access to my things because I hadn’t bought anything from their store in an arbitrary amount of time, I bought from other places and entered the cd key. The “web2” way of centralisation is also flawed.
Is it the one and true only answer, I don’t know, probably not in its current form albeit it is functional (immutable X). But the arguments against NFTs are mostly against these ducking pictures that ruined any possibility of working towards a goal where we as consumers could get more value.
- Comment on Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March 1 year ago:
What’s with the straw men? Make your point only instead.
That could be applied to anything, stuff on Steam only exist as long as Steam does or allows it to, however does the “URL” have to be accepted if it’s out of network? I don’t think it does. Still, there are inherent flaws in a blockchain system.
Much like I can make a fake cd key and try to use matlab, but they won’t accept it
- Comment on Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March 1 year ago:
But it does work? And just fundamentally why wouldn’t it as a concept?
Gods Unchained, immutable X. NFT is a back-end tech and no one should buy anything just because it is a NFT. The whole idea is to add to the value proposition for the customer/end user
- Comment on Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March 1 year ago:
How do you figure?
- Comment on Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March 1 year ago:
It’s a technology, simple as. But since we’re back at the start, who profits the most from not moving status quo?
What other viable and available technology options are there for a system where the consumer can somewhat freely do what they want with digital assets?
- Comment on Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March 1 year ago:
It’s unlikely I’ll write a longer answer on my phone. But if all you have is ridicule, again, I’ll leave you with some short thoughts.
Gamestop has been doing fairly well, looking at financials. And people complain about not owning their virtual stuff, which NFT smart contracts could be a solution for. I don’t necessarily agree on the the specifics for blockchain based solution though, nor did I like the picturefest which only obfuscated good use cases.
- Comment on Delivery workers won a mandated raise from NYC. Now they say the apps figured out a way to undermine it 1 year ago:
Hear ye, hear ye
- Comment on Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March 1 year ago:
Blatantly wrong