Comment on Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.” 8 months agoI’m saying it does matter. When you go to a business and say you can buy a widget for $1000, or for $500, and they both do the same thing, the business will choose the cheaper one. Sure, lobbying will get businesses some favors, loosen some regulation, get some subsidies, but at a certain point it’s not enough, the economics take over. 8 months ago
I’m saying it doesn’t matter.
Okay, but that’s not what’s happening. What’s happening is one business/industry controls to the supply for that widget, and that business only sells the $1,000 one, because they invested $1B to ensure that was the only option. Because that business does not offer the $500 option, and does not care to. 8 months ago
The article I shared is about how solar is now the cheapest form of power. So that is what’s happening. 8 months ago
I don’t know how many different ways I can explain this. It doesn’t matter how cheap it is when no one is buying it.