I refuse to believe that there isn’t a secret containment plan that all nuclear powers are coerced into agreeing to that basically gives every other nuclear power the right to intervene and secure the nukes from paramilitaries and terrorists in the event of state collapse.
The only reason I would presume NK isn’t in on it is because everyone’s agreed by now that if they fall it’s gonna be a race between China and South Korea for who can press a legitimate claim first.
CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml 8 months ago
If Russia use them and NATO respond with nukes or anything that will cause major problems, they’ll send their nukes to the West (Europe, US), and the West will send them back.
Mutually assured destruction. The question would be who would survive? NZ? South America? Africa? Asia?
I’m fucked personally as I’m in the UK.
I would rather we didn’t masturbate over nuclear weapons because what happened to Japan would be nothing compared to the loss of life on a global scale. It is a good option for nobody.