Regular code review for security should be SOP 8 months ago
Reposting my comment from Github:
A good reminder to be extremely careful loading scripts from a third-party CDN unless you trust the owner 100% (and even then, ownership can change over time, as shown here). You’re essentially giving the maintainer of that CDN full control of your site. Ideally, never do it, as it’s just begging for a supply chain attack. If you need polyfills for older browsers, host the JS yourself. :)
If you really must load scripts from a third-party, use subresource integrity so that the browser refuses to load it if the hash changes. A broken site is better than a hacked one.
And on the value of dynamic polyfills (which is what this service provides):
Often it’s sufficient to just have two variants of your JS bundles, for example “very old browsers” (all the polyfills required by the oldest browser versions your product supports) and “somewhat new browsers” (just polyfills required for browsers released in the last year or so), which you can do with browserslist and caniuse-lite data. 8 months ago 8 months ago
You’d be surprised how much code people blindly reuse without even looking at it, especially in JavaScript. The JS standard library is ridiculously small, so nearly all JS apps import third-party code of some sort. One JS framework can pull in hundreds of third-party modules. 8 months ago
JS and Python are both extremely bad for this. I’ve been working with data scientists and it’s hell trying to tell them that no, they can’t just install whatever libraries they want 8 months ago
Yeah I used to be guilty of this. Although in slight defense of myself I never used to use random sites like that I always used to pull everything from Google CDN since I can’t see that changing hands.
They may very well shut it down without warning, but they’re probably not going to sell it to anyone. 8 months ago
Yeah, it really depends on how much you trust the vendor.
Google? Say what you want about the company, but they’ll never intentionally serve malware.
Random company with no track record where we don’t even know who is maintaining the code? Much less trustworthy. The polyfill . io repo is currently owned by a Github user called “polyfillpolyfill” with no identifying information.