Comment on Alex Jones' Infowars to Be Shut Down, Assets Liquidated 8 months agoHaving listened to 800+ episodes, my impression of Alex Jones is that he’s equal parts reactionary right winger and moneymaking huckster. He generally skims headlines and makes up a take that’s compatible with his “the globalists are out to get us” stuff, most of which is based in white grievance identity politics.
Take this for what it’s worth. I’m a socialist. But it’s worth listening to an episode or two of the podcast to get a glimpse of Alex’s typical stuff. Most people who have an impression of Alex as a truth teller haven’t spent a lot of time with his show. 8 months ago
Honestly I think you agree with him a bit more than you realize, if we reframe the discussion a bit. Presumably you think “big corporations” are out to get you, right? Wealthy people are the same as “globalists” in this discussion… so do you agree “globalists” ARE out to get you? Or do you think rich people who are “exploiting” workers are “on your side”? You don’t have to agree with everyone Jones says here, as I think he is mixing things that aren’t true with those that are, but you do like understand he’s correct on some of these things, right? Like, do you believe in “corporate conspiracy theories” if I reframe it that way? Companies make people sick so they can profit off giving them a cure? Companies messing up the environment so they can make money cleaning it up? So I guess is there any possibility of recognizing disagreements while also identifying points of agreement? 8 months ago
The core of his grievances is not false, the conclusion is. Yes, rich people own the world. That doesn’t mean there’s a shadowy satanic cabal that decides literally everything.