- Comment on F'in liBtUrdS at it again! Did they even do a drug test on that homeless person before giving him food!11!!!1 And no anthem 5 days a week!! How will they know what country they're in! ThATs UnAmErICan 1 week ago:
I got sent to the principal’s office for not standing for the pledge or saying it. The principal was basically like, “look kid, do you have to be disruptive like this?” But he couldn’t do anything. I guess we have one thing to thank the JWs for.
- Comment on When was the last time you made Jello? 7 months ago:
Been a long time. Once I found out it was all bones and hooves and connective tissue, that kinda took the fun out of it.
- Comment on The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? 8 months ago:
Absolutely nothing about this case is a mere reiteration of anything before it.
- Comment on The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? 8 months ago:
All Biden has to do is claim that it’s an official act, because Trump is a terrorist, a threat to the Constitution, or some other questionable legal pretext. The problem is that there’s no remedy against such a claim. It could be litigated and go to SCOTUS again, who would have to decide whether it’s an official act or not. But this ruling gives no definite rule on what does or does not count as an official act.
- Comment on Alex Jones' Infowars to Be Shut Down, Assets Liquidated 8 months ago:
Having listened to 800+ episodes, my impression of Alex Jones is that he’s equal parts reactionary right winger and moneymaking huckster. He generally skims headlines and makes up a take that’s compatible with his “the globalists are out to get us” stuff, most of which is based in white grievance identity politics.
Take this for what it’s worth. I’m a socialist. But it’s worth listening to an episode or two of the podcast to get a glimpse of Alex’s typical stuff. Most people who have an impression of Alex as a truth teller haven’t spent a lot of time with his show.
- Comment on Alex Jones' Infowars to Be Shut Down, Assets Liquidated 8 months ago:
Listen to Knowledge Fight. It will disabuse you of a lot of the image that Alex Jones has as a “truth teller.”
- Comment on 'I don't think it's that hard': The former cop who says he knows how to save more domestic violence victims 10 months ago:
Here in Seattle the cops don’t fly an American flag outside their union headquarters, only the “thin blue line” flag. In their salary negotiations they sacrificed a week of back pay so their back pay could start on 1/6/2021 (the date of the Capitol insurrection) instead of the end of their last contract. Dozens of our police here in Washington participated in the insurrection. They were under a consent decree for civil rights violations for a decade. When a cop recently ran over a college student while going 74 mph in a 25, the vice president of the police union was caught on camera laughing with the police union president and saying “she was 26 anyway, she had limited value.” Police here have a dismal crime clearance rate, often don’t respond at all to property crimes, or take forever. During the protests in 2020, they were absolutely savage with protestors.
I have no empathy for the police. They are an occupying, militarized force that has zero accountability to the people. Maybe if they started treating citizens like human beings, and holding themselves to a higher standard, I would.
- Comment on Dating app Bumble will no longer require women to make the first move | CNN Business 10 months ago:
Have you been on a dating app? The experience is extremely gender specific. Men spend their time sending out as many likes as are available, and women spend their time sorting through likes they get. This is the experience for either gender unless you’re at the very high or low end of the desireability spectrum.
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 10 months ago:
Bobby, if these kids could understand volcanic geology, they’d be very upset right now.
- Comment on Texas Attracted California Techies. Now It’s Losing Thousands of Them. 10 months ago:
June is a great time to go back. I always dream of being a snow bird and just living in Seattle when the weather is great (June through Sept), then going somewhere warm and deserty for the winter.
- Comment on Texas Attracted California Techies. Now It’s Losing Thousands of Them. 10 months ago:
Having loved there, Houston to College Station to Waco is 100% ugly. I moved to Seattle. Most Texans don’t know what they’re missing.
- Comment on If Adams Apples are primarily male, why aren't they a common fetish? 11 months ago:
Listen, don’t tell anybody, but I’ve got a real boob fetish.
- Comment on Reddit: Return Of The Junk Stock IPO 11 months ago:
Seriously. They still don’t have a way to increase the font size on the default app last I checked. How is such a basic feature STILL lacking?
- Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 11 months ago:
No. I don’t do any of this stuff and it has never occurred to me to do it.
- Comment on Millennials are old now? 1 year ago:
Yes. Some music I liked as a kid turned out not to be good, because I mainly liked it cause I was a melodramatic kid and it spoke to the angsty emotions I had. Once I grew up a bit, Linkin Park started to seem childish. You don’t like all the music you liked as a kid, do you?
- Comment on Millennials are old now? 1 year ago:
They suck and have always sucked. Can’t think of more melodramatic music outside of Broadway musical dramas.
- Comment on Millennials are old now? 1 year ago:
Your music taste hasn’t advanced to where you don’t appreciate Linkin Park anymore, in 23 years? That’s gotta be a record.
- Comment on Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News 1 year ago:
I have a POS HP from nine years ago and the battery still lasts two hours. Just depends on the battery size I guess
- Comment on There is no point in trying to escape the simulation; Odds are, we don't exist outside it! 1 year ago:
Well, the simulation argument may not make a difference, but the free will one might. If nobody has the free will necessary for moral responsibility, then many of our punishment practices can’t be morally upheld. If nobody deserves punishment, we should only use it as a means of keeping social harmony, and that means we should do it a lot less and a lot differently.
- Comment on Would magically turning all trans people into the gender they want to be be unethical? 1 year ago:
It’s sort of like magically turning everybody into a middle class white guy. Would it be good for each individual? Probably. But it’s probably worth thinking about why it’d be so good, and what that says about our real, non-magical world.
- Comment on ‘The View’ Host Joy Behar Scoffs at Young People Feeling ‘Left Behind by the Economy’: ‘Oh Please, Get a Job!’ 1 year ago:
I have four. Is four enough jobs for you, Joy?
- Comment on Why do some websites have a "Continue Reading" button? 1 year ago:
Yeah this shit annoys the hell out of me with certain websites where I’m trying to ctrl-f information. It hasn’t loaded the whole page until I scroll down, so my search ends up being worthless.
- Comment on How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? 1 year ago:
Twice a year when I’m on a plane and have to use my other headphones because they’re more noise cancelling. Other than that, never. I hate having a cord and getting it stuck on things and ripping my headphones out of my ears.
- Comment on Why would I want to use the multi-desktop functionality in Windows 11? 1 year ago:
I had thought it’d be useful for separating two different types of task. Like one project is one desktop and the other is another. But nope, they’re not properly siloed at all. Making changes in one often affects the other unexpectedly. It’s a very dumb design that has little use as a result.
- Comment on You SHOULD connect to Tor via a VPN, actually 1 year ago:
What are you guys actually using Tor for, anyway?
- Comment on Elon Musk on X antisemitism controversy: “Don’t advertise. Go f*** yourself” 1 year ago:
I don’t think the fuck off was directed at Sorkin, but the companies who had pulled advertising.
- Comment on The lack of "real world complaints" and "anger" in popular music genres helps keep the masses docile 1 year ago:
I always thought it was pretty stupid that rage against the machine was criticized for simultaneously being anticapitalist and commercially successful. What do we want, commercially successful bands to all be bootlickers or completely apolitical? Much better to reach more people.
- Comment on ChatGPT, how do I use OCR in Word? 1 year ago:
and admitted in step 3 that the function doesn’t exist.
- Comment on Crispr gene editing shown to permanently lower hereditary high cholesterol 1 year ago:
As somebody who’s been a vegetarian for twenty years but still has 200 LDL at age 37, this would be really great to just have fixed. Dumb genes.
- Comment on US Question. Will the people that have to wait until 70 to get Social Security ever get what they paid in to it back out before they die since men's life expectancy is only 77 now? 1 year ago:
I think they’re assuming retirement age will be raised by the time they retire.