Thank you! I thought was going nuts. It’s been such a long time since I had think about whether something is synced or a way to set it up. With OneDrive I could just grab the files I needed from the cloud and push them off the drive if I needed space. It really took away any hassle about sync.
It really feels like moving to Linux is a step back 10 years when it comes to cloud storage.
I also tried nextcloud but the smart / on-demand/ virtual file system is experimental in the Linux client and doesn’t work as seemlesly as OneDrive. Besides being turned off every time I restart. 8 months ago
I had luck with increasing memory allocation in my php config for mine. Also having more ram may help if you have bigger files. Afaik nextcloud doesn’t have caching like unraid or truenas. I’m not aware of transfer speed issues. I’ve also no issues saturating my 1gig connection to it either. 8 months ago
My issue was specifically the windows sync client - not server or web related. I turned on debug in the client and watched the logs and saw it making stupid (IMHO) decisions about speed throttling. 8 months ago
Oh, hmm idk bout that then.