I’m in a similar situation - I’m a (retired) Unix admin and have Linux servers at home but I’m still on windows for my desktop because of OneDrive. If you use it as intended, it works really well. I can login to my laptop, my phone or either of my wife’s PC’s and all my stuff is just there.
Yes, I’ve tried nextcloud and it’s close, but the windows sync client is (was?) broken - the upload speed throttling logic is broken and it was going to take ages to sync my data. I went to the nextcloud community and it seemed to be a known issue that know one cares about because the sync just happens in the background and it’s done when it’s done.
As I typed this I realised that if I move to Linux desktop I don’t care about the windows sync client :-) So now I’ve just got the issue that I won’t get my wife off windows and if we’re paying for 5TB of cloud storage, I might as well use it. Yes, I know there are ways to use OneDrive on Linux, but it doesn’t look as seem less and I’d be always concerned that Microsoft will do something to break it.
sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 8 months ago
If you are willing to self-host, I’ve found Nextcloud integrates well in Linux. I had been using it before I made the switch and it worked out just fine afterwards. I originally set it up to have a cloud-sync option for my phone, which didn’t mean passing everything through Google first. But, it also proved to be a handy way to sync files on my desktop as well.
It just shows up as another folder on my system and Libre Office is happy to work on files from there (with some permissions fiddling due to flatpak).
pufferfisherpowder@lemmy.world 8 months ago
Yes, but I can’t get the virtual file system/on-demand sync to work properly. It turn off every time I reboot. I gave up after a while since it’s experimental for now anyway.
sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 8 months ago
That’s interesting. I’ve not had that sort of issue. On my phone (Android), my son’s laptop (Windows) and my desktop (Arch Linux) the NextCloud clients all sync perfectly and run at start up. Granted, knowing that the Linux landscape is fractured, I wouldn’t be overly surprised if the client had issues on some flavors of Linux.
pufferfisherpowder@lemmy.world 8 months ago
The client works fine, it’s just the virtual file system option that turns off after a reboot.
Petter1@lemm.ee 8 months ago
I use Nexcloud-client and so far, it syncred the ~/nextcloud folder pretty good with my Linux devices so far, but I do not jave huge files in it either. Mostly my keepass file.