Its what literally changed my life. I was really socialy awkward, spend most of my lide behind a computer, and when I managed to go out to parties in a subculture scene parties I loved, I couldnt talk to anyone, had a few beers awkwardly in a corner and went home.
Then I met someone who introduced me to MDMA. That happened almost 8 years ago, and now I am an organizer of 2/3 of the same scene regular parties in our city, Im helping and DJing on a festival that happens here, and am living my best life in that regard. All thanks to that one best friend who got me something that made me talk to, and get to actually know people in the scene in the extent that I always wanted, and get comfortable enough that I no longer need to be high to interact with anyone. Since now they are friends and regulars, and not random people I wanted to talk to, but was afraid of approaching. 8 months ago
i mean psilocybin (administered by a professional and in a safe environment) is actually documented to work for some people, so maybe hold out for that instead of drugs that may well be 50% drain cleaner depending on where you get it? 8 months ago
MDMA is also documented to be very effective in curing depression, but as you said, its not as easy to tell if they used other stuff to mix it into the MDMA 8 months ago
Pharmodynamically, it is very similar to how SSRI’s, SNRI’s, and MAOI’s work, just with a much faster time (the aforementioned take about a week). MAOI + MDMA is a surefire way to the bus of serotonin syndrome and cooking yourself from the inside because of that.