Bike tires suffer similar problems.
But at a much smaller scale, since the tires are made out of so much less material each.
And my bikes go through tires fairly quick.
Quit doing whip skid stops all the time.
Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago
I’d like to see recycable bike tires, too! Bike tires suffer similar problems. And my bikes go through tires fairly quick.
Bike tires suffer similar problems.
But at a much smaller scale, since the tires are made out of so much less material each.
And my bikes go through tires fairly quick.
Quit doing whip skid stops all the time. 8 months ago
Schwalbe at least takes old tires back to recycle them. I can hand mine in at my bike shop. Maybe other brands have something similar.