Love CZM and everyone involved! 8 months ago
Reminds me of this short sci fi story I just recently listened to on a podcast.
That’s the story in text. If you want to hear it read to you, it’s CZM Book Club: The Plastic People by Tobias Buckell out on 23 Dec 2023. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Same! I originally just tried to limit myself to BtB, but then I listened to ICHH to learn about the Unicorn Ranch, and I ended up learning about so many other topics. Then I kept seeing interesting CPWDCS, so now I listen to some of those.
They turn out so much great content every week, and ICHH has really helped me to better understand more people and issues than I ever would have been able to on my own. 8 months ago
I got started on the original season of ICHH, realized I had been reading Robert’s work at cracked for years, and then mainlined all the BTB episodes. I like all their content but recently I’ve really enjoyed Ed Zitrons Better Offline.
I also really love the cousin shows like Some More News and Knowledge Fight. 8 months ago
I checked out BtB due to constant weird if mouth on Reddit and immediately enjoyed Robert’s personality. There were also a lot of Cody and Paul F. Tompkins episodes at the time, and I was also already a fan of them, so that helped as well.
I so want to like Some More News, but it feels to doomy to me and Cody’s stage persona is a bit much for me, so I enjoy him better as regular Cody on BtB more.
I also feel the more before I was born stuff that BtB usually focuses on us easier for me to deal with as most of the people are long dead and gone, so it feels more like entertainment. For more current things, I try to stick to “legitimate news” instead of things designed more for entertainment. ICHH is an exception because it covers a lot mainstream news wouldn’t touch, and it does it pretty calmly and treats it with seriousness moreso than trying to make it into some kind of bit. Plus they often mention ways to participate or to at least try and help with some of the things. I feel the topics are things important to know, and aren’t just things that make me depressed about the whole world.
Hood Politics with Prop is probably the next one I may allow myself to get into. 8 months ago
Reminds me of Code of the Lifemaker, where mechanical life evolves on Titan. Seemed oddly plausible when I read it, but it’s been 20+ years. LOL, maybe it was stupid.