It already has done much more than you give credit for. People are talking about it. More importantly, legislators are talking about it, which is the first step for things for laws to change/clarify what it means to own a digital product in the UK.
Yeah well at least I’m not tired at the end of it 8 months ago 9 months ago
Well, I don’t live in the UK, so it’s not for me to sign, and I wasn’t talking about this specific thing.
Have you helped anyone lately? Try it. It feels better than bitching endlessly online. 9 months ago
No I am talking about this specific thing. My point is that people sign the petition and then get all smug and feel like they’ve done something, the government doesn’t care about it, as is evidenced by their response.
If you want to do something go and publicly protest it’s the only thing that gets their attention. Things might be different in whatever country you’re from but in the UK petitions are not worth the paper they’re not written on. Also this petition was stupid anyway because it’s too focused on video games, (as opposed to software in general, operating systems, critical business applications, and device drivers) which basically guaranteed the government were going to ignore it from the outset.
This petition could have been much more broad and it would have had much more marketable appeal. All I’m doing is pointing that out, and I’m getting hate from all sides from people who seem to think that the government should somehow care about video games as much as they do. Now, if somebody came up with an actual campaign that had any chance of victory I’d be all on it. The trouble is no one ever does. They just create petitions ad infinitum.