Reality doesn’t care whether you care to play or not.
There’s a limited amount of resources, you can’t hire everyone on Earth, you can’t give everyone an unlimited salary. Everything past that you’re making decisions as to who gets what.
And by the way, if you make enough poor decisions eventually everyone loses their jobs. 1 year ago
Reality doesn’t care whether you care to play or not.
There’s a limited amount of resources, you can’t hire everyone on Earth, you can’t give everyone an unlimited salary. Everything past that you’re making decisions as to who gets what.
And by the way, if you make enough poor decisions eventually everyone loses their jobs. 1 year ago
There are PLENTY of resources to go around, but a teeny teeny tiny percentage of people are hogging over half of them all for themselves. 1 year ago
Agreed, there’s limited resources, that’s exactly why we can’t afford to waste any more on another CEO mega yacht or private plane. 1 year ago
BuT tHeY EaRnEd It! JuSt Be A cEo ToO! 1 year ago
Life’s not a video game or a book.