Comment on Yooka-Laylee: A Patient Gamer Review 9 months agoI think the high jump could’ve been handled by either holding the jump button down to control the height like most platformers do or by having a system to time the jump in a multi-jump sequence to gain height like Mario 64 used. I also don’t see why a double jump wouldn’t suffice as an unlock in its place.
This is a key example of what I mean by the nostalgia is holding them back. The moves are mostly copies of BK and it didn’t need to be that way. 9 months ago
I understand. I thought you had a better way of implementing the high jump with different properties, instead of just removing it altogether. To be fair, I’d remove it too and a double jump would probably be my preferred approach!
I like Mario 64’s triple jump, but I don’t think it’d be a good fit for a colectathon like this. I can’t put to words why I think it’d be different in YL, but I have a feeling that I’d get really annoyed if it asked me to use multi-jumps often to reach specific ledges. I don’t think triple jumps are ever required in Mario games, are they? I doubt YL would ever introduce a move and not flood the levels after that with obstacles that you need to use the move on to progress