Comment on Big booty girl meteorologists are best meteorologists 9 months ago
True story.
Work TV is on the local news channel but the sound is off. Guy is watching the girl presenter. When the commercial comes on he says “Man, that weather girl is hot.”
I tell him she’s hotter than he realizes.
He asks how can she be hotter than he knows.
I tell him that she was doing a traffic report, not the weather. 9 months ago
Because traffic is hotter than weather? How does this work again? 9 months ago
Because there were clues in the background as to what the report was; such as a banner saying ‘traffic report.’
He ignored everything that was unimportant. 9 months ago
Tarmac can be really really hot. 9 months ago
The temperature inside your car’s engine is usually hotter then the outside weather?