Comment on Driver update broke my B450 GAMING PLUS MAX? 9 months ago
Check the Ethernet adapter model, download drivers from manufacturer site and see if that helps. Also possible that the BIOS update changed some settings required for the network adapter. It’s not uncommon for BIOS update to reset or add options. Find out how to access the BIOS menu on your motherboard and take a look what settings are available. Typically motherboard manufacturer should have a manual/doc of somekind that outlines the options. Also could try redownloading the older BIOS update package again and revert to that, but I would suggest that only as the last option if nothing else helps. 9 months ago
So I’ve actually tried just about every setting in BIOS and even installed the second most recent BIOS to try that, but I don’t know for sure what version I was on prior to try specifically it. Sadly the drivers offered on my mobo site are exactly the same as the ones on Realtek from my looking. 9 months ago
OK, based on the new network cards also not working, maybe it could be a PCIe configuration issue? I would check the BIOS again, look for PCIe related stuff like speed or compatibility mode and stuff like that. There could be an OS-support setting too that could cause similar issues. Otherwise maybe some of the Chipset drivers are not correct? Those are annoying to troubleshoot, Windows should revert to default drivers if you delete the currently used driver trough device manager. Good luck! 9 months ago
I’ll check the chipset drivers as that’s one I updated. BIOS unfortunately has been gone over with a fine tooth comb.