Maybe my interpretation is wrong and the firework spell was aimed at the devices. I wish it was more clear, as in the WN it clearly states it hit Tomoe as well, and I wouldn't have expected her to have one. Here, we can't really see that but I'm not sure if that's just because of the view or a change. I assumed it had been a callback to the petrification stuff showing that Makoto could make people immune to things but, maybe not.
more novel firework stuff
The part that would make me think it's targeting the devices is that Root says "Did he get them all?" And Tomoe is like "Well, there isn't a second shot, so yea, I guess so". Wish they kept that. I feel like this scene really is the first showing of how powerful Makoto has become, as sure we get some scenes with training some kids and stuff but this is like, wide area, mass target spell that he instantly casts without a single miss 9 months ago
I think that Aqua and Eris are funniest in the manga iteration of the story. I also didn’t think they were that funny when reading the WN, but they absolutely steal the show of any manga chapter they are in.
I know it is a part of the worldbuilding in this show that the hyumans rely on the Goddess’s blessing and numbers to win their battles with the demons, but it is frustrating that they have essentially no concept of strategy when it comes to war. The first season saw them charge in a column, up a hill, towards a fort, right into a trap. Then, this season we see them not even conceive of the idea that this terror attack and communications disruption could be used as a way to slow the response to an invasion elsewhere. 9 months ago
I'm sure you can tell I'm slightly biased here and overlook a lot of flaws 😆
It does feel kind of odd the demons can just march on both human capitals at the same time. Surely there should be like, a front line? Defenses? I suppose we're meant to think they got passed them, or somehow avoided them like teleporting, though teleportation seems like a big deal, I'm not sure what Limia king meant by "they appeared by star lake". Like, just spawned there?!
I can see what you mean in that a common complaint is to make one side seem smart, just make the other side act dumb. The hyumans do seem pretty lacking overall, though there are some who are at least realists like the princess. Rona always seemed like a pretty good strategist to me... but then again her first strategy is just "lol, hole in ground". I much more prefer all the other stuff like glamored demons showing up next to the world leaders which shows how far their reach/planning is
cut or maybe next ep stuff?
I do think it's fairly important to note, at least from memory, I think the demons didn't block telepathy until after the attack started. So the last anyone heard from Rotsgard, was the king/princess under attack, send troops, and then communication went dark.