- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 25 discussion 8 months ago:
Oh and one last thing I wanted to say was that it was fun discussing these episodes with you and the others that chimed in. I think based on your post in summer season preview you won't be watching Tower of God so WE'LL NEVER SPEAK AGAIN 😆 but maybe I'll give something new a chance or if not, we can pick it back up in season 3
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 25 discussion 8 months ago:
This series has never felt like it is particularly popular
I never even saw it on the popularity charts you posted but maybe that was because it was a 2 cour anime so not technically a spring one? Although maybe those charts are for outside Japan.
Certainly not like Slime or Overlord
I don't know how everyone else feels but I haven't watched the last like four episodes of slime. I probably shouldn't give up on it but boy does it seem like it's just time I won't get back... I could see people liking Tsukimichi at least more this season rather than overall.
Do you have any closing thoughts on the season overall? Especially with the heroes in the first part, and the students later on? Should they have cut more, less, or was pacing the main issue? I feel like I'm coming out of it with a positive opinion but thinking about it, that might be because everything good was stacked right on the last few episodes, where it took ~23 other episodes to get here
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 25 discussion 8 months ago:
I thought they would actually go back to the fight in Kaleneon this episode but, nope, fast forwarded through it. I still really don't understand what Mio did to make the demon general a smol lizard... I assume it has to do with his reflection skill but... I didn't remember or expect Mio to have won the fight by eating.
Mondo and Lime best bro duo this season.
They kind of glossed over it but the prince(ss) was expecting Makoto to be normal and like... blackmail her. That and Makoto turning down a full time teaching position shows it really does help to have a pocket dimension where all your needs are met.
What I was wondering if would get adapted last episode was (I wonder if we were talking about the same thing, wjs018), and Sofia is shown to be still alive! Oop, nevermind. Hard to not feel bad for her, Root definitely comes off as the villain here with his blasé attitude towards life, but perhaps that comes with living a very long time and losing everyone you get close to by being functionally immortal.
I had a moment during the party where I was thinking "Wait, is this the scene with... Right Mio won the contest... so will they adapt..." And yep, I feel like that's kind of a bad scene to end on, as Makoto brushes her affection aside, comes off as prime dense protag to me, but at least they all get a last name so they're like family, right?
I wanted to spend some time reflecting on the entire season, but doubt I'll have enough time to go through it all to collect my thoughts. Overall I didn't find the adaptation disappointing, but that might be because I have a lot of context with the WN, manga, and soon LN to fill in the gaps. I do wonder if things would be better if they went even more cut-heavy. Like people complain the students aren't fleshed out in the anime, but are in the manga (so go check it out if you want to see more), but I wonder what if the anime just completely cut them out? Nah, that's impossible, but what if... I'm not sure I've seen anything make that amount of drastic cuts though.
It was a fun ride, surprised it got a 2 cour episode season, and even more surprised it's getting a season 3. I think over time this became my favorite isekai, though it's very slow going there's so much character and relationship development, as well as crafty antagonists and allies, that I couldn't think of anything I'd place higher, so even though the anime adapation itself has been a bit iffy, another season is still something I look forward to
- Comment on "Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy" Season 3 Announced With New Visual 8 months ago:
This is as surprising to me as it getting a season 2 was. And I'm sure it's a completely normal, company purchasing rights to adapt and expecting returns... but part of me is like... what if it's just one really rich dude that wants to see it animated? 😆
- Comment on “Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra” Anime Adaptation Announced With New PV 8 months ago:
What a coincidence, I just mentioned recently over on !lightnovels that I was reading the first volume. Has a fairly unique setting so could be interesting, especially for those that like Overlord
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 24 discussion 8 months ago:
Navarre dies and Hibiki gains PTSD and goes through a season of character development. Sealy dies and everyone has moved past it in a couple minutes. o7 RIP random adventurer.
Though there was already a lot of death on that battlefield, hard to tell since there wasn't much focus on it. I liked how they kept Lancer killing demon teammates as well as humans for swords but didn't mention it like they did in the novel, you just had to notice the armor. Might be an actual example of show don't tell actually happening.
Makoto knows that Root was watching 👀 Though Sofia didn't have much of a comment on it, I can't remember if she did in the novel or not... but not important so not going to look it up. He also didn't appear to use Uchine in this fight, which I think is his strongest weapon (what he pulled when facing the goddess). I can't remember if that was the same or not. I don't really recognize the bow he had, so not sure if it's special, though surely dwarf made. Also not sure about the sword Sofia pulled, I'm sure there's some history there, maybe when the translated LN gets to... okay that might be a few years. (Edit: Oh right he literally says the bow is named Azusa. I completely missed that somehow. Now I remember, right, Uchine wasn't his only weapon)
Really good episode, happy with how everything was adapted.
Excited for the finale, I imagine it will be a mop up episode not unlike season 1. There is one more thing I'm curious if they'll adapt or not, so will have to see if it makes it into the last episode or maybe it was cut from the LN.
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 23 discussion 8 months ago:
Such dense plot armor you can literally see it 😆
I can't tell if they're doing a good job portraying characters strengths when they only get a couple minutes of existing before the next character comes in and shows how strong they are. Hibiki came in and got wrecked by Io, Io got wrecked by Makoto, then Sofia comes in and same for her... She's supposed to be the strongest adventurer and apparently did something to dragons which should've at least been on the level of Tomoe pre-Makoto'ing... But without ever seeing it... I guess she did smack up Tomoki last episode. I guess it's just surprising how one-sided every fight is even for characters who just won a one-sided fight earlier.
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 23 discussion 8 months ago:
What a time for a random flashback from Root. I forget if that was already shown in the anime or they put it here, because it just happened recently in the manga. Feel like they should've kept it back whenever it happened and not interrupted the flow of the fight.
Sofia possibly being charmed is a pretty interesting twist, makes earlier scenes make more sense with her lying to Rona about what happened and leaving Tomoki alive.
Either way this is probably my favorite part, specifically Rona attempting to cast something, Makoto calling her out on it, and her just be like "ha, just a prank bro, what were your demands again? sounds good to me, whatever happens to Sofia happens, bye". That and the team Io blasting off again.
I can't remember if there were more training scenes for Makoto in the novel or not. Definitely feels like he was training up for a goddess smackdown and suddenly got wrapped into a fight in the starting zone. But without seeing any training it feels kind of like... when did it happen? I feel like they didn't do a good job explaining the mana armor, especially when they showed it off by him... knocking a tree over. I don't know if it's explained at this point or later...
some mana armor stuff, maybe covered later?
From what I think I remember it's near impossible to make mana take a physical form. He read that book on the theory of doing it from the librarian, and I think maybe they succeeded in doing it for like an atom of mana for a nanosecond before blinking out of existence using up tons of energy, sort of like large hadron collider level stuff... so Makoto just able to make an entire giant armor of mana and materialize it near endlessly is just complete insanity
Oh I thought next episode is last but I see there's 25, so that makes me less worried, feel like there's still a lot to wrapup but probably doable in two.
- Comment on Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken 3rd Season • That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 - Episode 7 discussion 9 months ago:
They've upgraded to hallway meetings and horseback meetings.
Jokes aside, the animation of the fights looked pretty decent this episode, or maybe I'm just action starved.
Having a unit of immortals looks to be pretty useful. And at least it seems more reasonable that Rimuru and Hinata don't just talk things out when fighting has already broken out before they get there.
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 19 discussion 9 months ago:
Maybe my interpretation is wrong and the firework spell was aimed at the devices. I wish it was more clear, as in the WN it clearly states it hit Tomoe as well, and I wouldn't have expected her to have one. Here, we can't really see that but I'm not sure if that's just because of the view or a change. I assumed it had been a callback to the petrification stuff showing that Makoto could make people immune to things but, maybe not.
more novel firework stuff
The part that would make me think it's targeting the devices is that Root says "Did he get them all?" And Tomoe is like "Well, there isn't a second shot, so yea, I guess so". Wish they kept that. I feel like this scene really is the first showing of how powerful Makoto has become, as sure we get some scenes with training some kids and stuff but this is like, wide area, mass target spell that he instantly casts without a single miss
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 19 discussion 9 months ago:
I'm sure you can tell I'm slightly biased here and overlook a lot of flaws 😆
It does feel kind of odd the demons can just march on both human capitals at the same time. Surely there should be like, a front line? Defenses? I suppose we're meant to think they got passed them, or somehow avoided them like teleporting, though teleportation seems like a big deal, I'm not sure what Limia king meant by "they appeared by star lake". Like, just spawned there?!
I can see what you mean in that a common complaint is to make one side seem smart, just make the other side act dumb. The hyumans do seem pretty lacking overall, though there are some who are at least realists like the princess. Rona always seemed like a pretty good strategist to me... but then again her first strategy is just "lol, hole in ground". I much more prefer all the other stuff like glamored demons showing up next to the world leaders which shows how far their reach/planning is
cut or maybe next ep stuff?
I do think it's fairly important to note, at least from memory, I think the demons didn't block telepathy until after the attack started. So the last anyone heard from Rotsgard, was the king/princess under attack, send troops, and then communication went dark.
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 19 discussion 9 months ago:
Look up at the sky! It's the aurora borealis! No wait, it's just Makoto shooting off a firework 🎆
Hopefully people are a little happier that things are happening, but I guess it's still very low action-wise. The mutants were never a threat at all to the main cast, and that's spelled out very plainly by Zara. They can just stroll through the streets and clear any out on their way, while the actual guards, mercenaries, armies, can't even handle a couple, and not without losses.
Can clearly see all the important people realizing just how powerful Makoto and crew are now, especially with Sairitz upgrading the honorifics used when speaking to Makoto. Hopefully means that Makoto will get doormat'd less often, but I guess we'll see.
The transmission restoration felt a bit lackluster in the anime, but I guess it's not that important. I feel like it wasn't really clear what he did, not that the novel makes it any clearer, but obviously I think Tomoe is supposed to be implying he didn't destroy the devices to disrupt telepathy, but instead shot a spell at every single person in the entire area to block or counter the device, that was my understanding at least, I could be mistaken.
And now we see that it was all a ruse! Oh my goodness, finally, this is what I've been waiting for. I love that this whole thing was just a distraction from the actual plot. Seems like the demons had a lot going on while we were stuck in Rotsguard, who knows what is happening in the rest of the hyuman world.
I didn't really like Aqua and Eris in the novel, but I actually completely flipped my opinion in the anime. Their comic relief is pretty good.
- Comment on Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken 3rd Season • That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 - Episode 6 discussion 9 months ago:
Slime isekai storyboard meeting notes:
show don'ttell.I'm going stir crazy from being locked in these rooms.
Now was this Rozzo family ever mentioned before? It always felt to me like a random group out of no where just to pad content. I guess it has ties to the "Merchants" that have been mentioned before but... It gives off the feeling of a random mafia playing politics with demon lords and gods, it feels so jarring, like a Bleach filler arc.
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 18 discussion 9 months ago:
Could've gone with an Estelle shot to farm that sweet, sweet clickbait😝
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 18 discussion 9 months ago:
I guess it might be a good thing I'm not a director since I probably do focus on unimportant things. I just sort of always got the feeling from the source, and I don't think this is a spoiler it's just my feelings, that Root was a very conceited / egotistical kind of person. Maybe I just hallucinated that, because that's where I'm coming from is when the anime doesn't match my expectations of the character. Like I would've expected him to respond to being told someone is stronger than him with "You always were a kidder, Tomoe". I don't know, I feel like he's not really matching with my expectations, especially since people are calling him Luto instead. Like, did they really change that? Why?! It's like taking someone named Kuro that dresses all in black and being like "Actually, we'll translate their name as Jeffrey. Close enough". /rant
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 18 discussion 9 months ago:
I knew as soon as I saw the preview post last week that I was going to have to prepare myself again for the comments on lack of action.
At least there was at least two fights this time, and both involving the main cast! Hey, that's something, right?
I'm trying to imagine what people were thinking when Ilumgand was talking about helping the hero and not interfering with Makoto. Cliché second chance? Then Mio is just "nah"
- Comment on Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken 3rd Season • That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 - Episode 5 discussion 10 months ago:
I didn't like HInata when she originally appeared, doubt I was alone there. I like her a lot more here where she's mostly just strategizing, regretting her initial encounter (appearance), and coming to her own conclusions about what is going on.
scene change from source?
So I think they changed the Nikolaus scene? All I remember from the manga is people saying they didn't change it there and that everyone was up in arms about it from, I assume, the LN, but it seems different in the anime?
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 17 discussion 10 months ago:
I guess this series has always grappled with people really not liking when it spends time on other characters, like the students here or on the heroes before. I never really minded that too much, like in Overlord my favorite volumes are 7 or 12. Think it helps keep things fresh seeing from another perspective as long as the characters are relatively important, though I guess we haven't really seen any reason to care too much about the students besides the sisters so far.
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 17 discussion 10 months ago:
To me that was fine, like I sort of interpreted it as: first they tried to let the professional (purple coats) handle things. When that didn't go well it cut to the students pointing and discussing, so I would imagine they were strategizing / buffing. Though I guess it is weird to let the enemy (supposedly) power up as well, it did work out in the end, so I'm like, you can't really blame them, maybe they needed that time to win too, we can't say without knowing what would've happened if they didn't prepare.
I guess I saw a lot of hate on that other site for this episode but, perhaps it's because I've read the source material, nothing here really surprised me, all those scenes (the sisters, merchant, king/prince, etc) happened in the novel, which is kind of why last week I said "just one more episode, and then another and another" because I don't really expect the climax of this whole thing any time soon.
The monsters do look a bit goofy, well Ilumgand looked a bit intimidating in some stills, maybe it's just the ED effecting us.
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 17 discussion 10 months ago:
Overall a pretty calm episode. They should have served some tea and cakes. 😆
Fitting that Abelia gets the final blow, though perhaps not how Ilumgand's father would've wanted things to play out?
I did completely forget that it was Root that came up with the sword thing, I had thought it was Tomoe, so it's kind of interesting that he would say that seemingly randomly.
- Comment on Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken 3rd Season • That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 - Episode 4 discussion 10 months ago:
Rimuru planning to invent the dubstep gun from Saints Row IV (I actually thought this was from Worms WMD but looked it up, didn't realize it was a crossover)
Only round table politics again this episode, they can't keep getting away with this!
mastermind talk
The whole multi-mastermind thing seems a bit overly complicated and doesn't sound familiar to me at all. Kind of feels weird because I thought Raphael had identified who "he" was instantly in the WN or something like "it could literally only be one person think about what we know and what was said". Maybe I'm just misremembering, past the demon lord part I barely recall much of the story at this point
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 16 discussion 10 months ago:
I probably just forgot it then, most likely has been a while, and I think when I did reread it I probably started where this episode ends, funny enough, since everything before it kind of felt like the prologue to me.
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 16 discussion 10 months ago:
When I saw that line somehow I knew it would be the one you would pick
When it comes to pacing, I do wonder how they storyboard this stuff. I feel like the rigid ~25min, 12 or 13 episodes must make it difficult. Like how they're going to split up the future content, I have no idea. I have some idea of stopping points but, there's a lot to do and feel like not a lot of great stopping points, though I guess cliffhangers are a thing.
I do wonder if non-aired anime ever gets more freedom of like, "ok this time we're going to do a 32 minute episode". "ok this season will be 16 episodes". Maybe not a thing but wonder if it would make pacing things much easier
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 16 discussion 10 months ago:
A bit of backstory at the start which sort of rounds the plot out. Feel like most of it was pretty obvious, but they really spelled it out for people just in case they weren't able to pick up on hair styles in shadowy back alleys. I am shocked by what happened at the end of the episode... If it wasn't for the opening which has had the scene this whole time.
I can't quite remember if the whole Hibiki thing was a thing in the WN or if that was added in the LN. I don't quite remember it from the WN, but as 1Fuji2Taka3Nasubi noted, it's been mentioned in the manga at least.
It does feel like the demons really had a ton of pieces to play for here. A potential hero party member, messing with Rotsgard, which I can't remember if it was a trade center or education center or both for the humans, but I'm pretty sure it's important. The Limia, king? was it? Empire princess, adventurer guild master, and those Lorel Union folks. And all they had to do was potentially make Makoto less favorable to them. Seems like it should be worth it. Especially since Rona just made an informal verbal agreement not to harm Makoto, it's his fault for not getting things in writing, so he can't be too mad, right?
Excited that it's finally kicking off, one more week, and then another, and then maybe a few more... until the end.
- Comment on Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken 3rd Season • That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 - Episode 3 discussion 10 months ago:
People will have put their kids through college before Rimuru and Hinata actually fight like they have been in OPs since the first season.
Another episode of politics down.
Looks like it's time to hold another festival. Wonder how many the series has had so far...
- Comment on Say hello to biodegradable microplastics: Plant-based polymers that can disappear within seven months 10 months ago:
Definitely was finding it hard to describe what I mean, my store has a bakery/butchery in it and I think they prepare things in-house, like bake bread/muffins and then throw them in plastic bags, make batches of mac and cheese and throw it in plastic tubs, etc. It's possible they ship some stuff in and that wouldn't work, but I just meant for things that were literally like oven to shelves stuffed into plastic bags, maybe it'd be nice if it could be used there.
- Comment on Say hello to biodegradable microplastics: Plant-based polymers that can disappear within seven months 10 months ago:
Not a scientist so couldn't quite tell from the article, but all of the prepared / cooked food I see at my grocery store is packed in plastic containers. They all have shelf life of that day / maybe a couple of days (this is like a buffet + packed / prepared meals, not sure what exactly to describe it as). I always thought it would be great if that could be less wasteful, it'd definitely make me feel more likely to buy it instead of all being in single use plastic containers.
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 15 discussion 10 months ago:
Ahaha, I can imagine people being unhappy about it. I always like to see MCs lose battles but win wars, especially when it's not about actual fighting. And this seems pretty realistic in a "your books don't work out" kind of IRL auditing you would expect. I guess the one thing is, with how insanely competent Shiki and crew seem to be, you'd think they would have already thought about this obvious flaw, but I guess you could also chalk it up to them not caring and knowing they could just pave all the capitals if they wanted to.
- Comment on Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season • TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- Season 2 - Episode 15 discussion 10 months ago:
Wasn't sure if this entire episode was going to be the full tournament or not, but the change half way helped break things up between action and story. Always good to see MCs lose in creative ways. Certainly seems to set up some interesting implications on the future if sides are being picked.
I kept forgetting to mention in the last couple episodes that vol 1 of the LN is available in the West now
- Comment on Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken 3rd Season • That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 - Episode 2 discussion 10 months ago:
Welcome to the Hinata channel